5 Email Marketing Tips for your clothing brand

For a clothing brand, it is crucial to connect with your audience and get your message across effectively to them. In today’s competitive clothing brand industry, email marketing could be the game changer that moves your company from a regular clothing brand to a community. It allows you to engage with your subscribers on a personal level, deliver relevant messages in a timely manner, and ultimately boost your revenue.

Email marketing is also important because it requires minimal cost to send out a message and you own your audience. If your brand’s Instagram or TikTok shuts down, you lose your reach and followers. This means that the platform owns the followers and brands are just using their platform. Email marketing is different, you own the list, and even if your email provider shuts you down you can move your list to a different platform. 

If your brand’s ads shut down, your revenue stream would decrease which can be devastating to the business. If you have a large audience email list, you can send out a lot of campaigns to increase your sales.

Here are 5 Email Marketing Tips for your clothing brand that are a must in order to have a successful email marketing strategy. 

All 5 Email Marketing Tips for your clothing brand: 

  1. A/b test your pop-up for the best conversion. 
  2. Personalize and segment your email marketing campaigns as often as possible.
  3. Always test your email send times. 
  4. Test out your deliverability. If you run a bring brand, testing your deliverability weekly is important to make sure your email doesn’t start ending up in spam. There are numerous free websites that check your email deliverability, for example, Mailgenius.
  5. Make sure your emails are mobile-optimized. 

1. A/b test your pop-up for the best conversion

The single greatest attribute to getting more sales with email marketing is the number of emails you get. Focus a lot of time on maximizing your pop-up and the type of offer that best fits with your audience. The more people that join your email automations the more sales your brand will get.

Experiment with different discount offers, wording, pop up placements, pop up designs, images, button sizes, button text and find the winning combination.

2. Personalize and segment your email marketing campaigns as often as possible

The true beauty of email is how personal and timely you can get your emails sent. You get a sale when you send the right type of email, at the right time, to the right person. Segmenting your email list based on variables such as demographics, purchase history, and engagement levels, open rates allows you to send highly targeted campaigns that will be more relevant to every subscriber.

Adding personalization such as first names in the email subject line or email copy is also important. By adding their first name in your email, the reader will feel more connected and truly feel this email was sent to them. No one want’s an email that they know was sent out to everyone. Your customers want to feel special and this is how they will keep coming back to purchase from your brand.

3. Always test your email send times

Testing your send time is important because every customer base is different. Your customers might prefer to be emailed once a day while others every other day. Your audience might also prefer specific days of out the week, or only on the weekends. Doing a simple a/b test will generate more sales for your clothing brand.

4. Test out your deliverability.

If you run a bring brand, testing your deliverability weekly is important to make sure your email doesn’t start ending up in spam. There are numerous free websites that check your email deliverability, for example, Mailgenius.

5. Make sure your emails are mobile-optimized

For clothing brands, your audience is usually mostly on their phone throughout the day and they usually check their emails through their app. Make sure your email campaigns are visually appealing on both mobile and desktop. Test your emails on various mobile devices and check if they render correctly. It is also important to note that dark mode is becoming popular on mobile devices so this is also something to check for. Dark mode is a setting that turns bright colors inverted and allows the user to see everything in dark colors.


In summary, these are the best tips your clothing brand can utilize to fully optimize your email marketing. In today’s competitive clothing brand industry, email marketing could be the game changer that moves your company from a regular clothing brand to a community

In summary the 5 Best Email Marketing Tips for your clothing brand are: 

  1. A/b test your pop-up for the best conversion. 
  2. Personalize and segment your email marketing campaigns as often as possible.
  3. Always test your email send times. 
  4. Test out your deliverability. If you run a bring brand, testing your deliverability weekly is important to make sure your email doesn’t start ending up in spam. There are numerous free websites that check your email deliverability, for example, Mailgenius.
  5. Make sure your emails are mobile-optimized. 

Work with an expert.

If you want all your email marketing to be taken care of by an expert, explore how you can work with me here.





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